En Iglesia EastLake somos Personas ayudando a Personas a Encontrar y Seguir a Jesús. Claro, hay muchas maneras de describir cómo es una iglesia, pero pensamos que es muy importante que te digamos que se trata de Él. Así que si tienes preguntas sobre Jesús, creemos que somos un buen lugar para que encuentres algunas respuestas. Y si ya has decidido seguir a Jesús y estás buscando una Iglesia para conectar en comunidad con otras personas de una manera significativa, creemos que en Iglesia EastLake es un buen lugar para que des tus próximos pasos en la fe.

El Milagro de Cada Dia

Jesús no hacía milagros solo para impresionar—cada señal asombrosa apuntaba a algo más grande: quién es Él realmente. En esta serie de 8 semanas, recorreremos el Evangelio ...

Church App

Our church app is your source for everything you need to support your church experience while at a service plus the support and connection you need when you’re not.

Birth - Elementary

Kids are some of our favorite people. That’s why we’ve dedicated so much time and energy toward the development of great programs that teach them about God’s love in a way ...

Students United

Students United is for Middle and High Schoolers that aims to provide a supportive and positive environment for young people to grow in their faith and connect with like-mi...

Online Giving

When it’s upside down, money controls people and destroys lives. It’s the #1 cause of divorce, a top-level stress contributor, and a common cause of suicide. However, when ...


We believe baptism is a pivotal step for any Christian. This rite is a vivid external representation of a deep internal commitment to Jesus, warranting celebration whenever...

Próximos Eventos

Jun 17-20

Camp United Summer 2025

Tue, Jun 17 - Fri, Jun 20

Catalina Island

Camp United is returning and this summer we're spending it on Catalina Island at Campus by the Sea. Camp United is our annual summer camp for all 6th-12th grade students. It wil...

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Próximos Eventos

Apr 2

Mid Week Services

Miércoles (Wednesdays) @ 7PM

Playas Church

¡Únete a nosotros para nuestro servicio bilingüe de mitad de semana todos los miércoles a las 7 pm en la Iglesia Playas! Es un momento de inspiración, adoración y comunidad, don...

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Jun 17-20

Camp United Summer 2025

Tue, Jun 17 - Fri, Jun 20

Catalina Island

Camp United is returning and this summer we're spending it on Catalina Island at Campus by the Sea. Camp United is our annual summer camp for all 6th-12th grade students. It wil...

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Viernes Santo

7 de Abril



9 de Abril

11AM & 1PM